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Let the world share the Chinese achievements of humic acid agriculture

On May 2th, 2017, the website of the National Agricultural Technology Center published a news report entitled “Completion of the Seminar on Comprehensive Management and Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer in Developing Countries”

(URL link http://www.natesc.agri.cn/ zxyw/201705/t20170502_5588459.htm).

According to reports, from March 29th to April 27th, the “2017 Seminar on Comprehensive Management and Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer in Developing Countries” hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and undertaken by the National Agricultural Technology Center was held in Beijing, from Sri Lanka, Nepal, and South Africa. 29 agricultural officials and professional technicians from 4 countries including Sudan and Ghana participated in the training.

The seminar is conducted by a combination of expert lectures, on-site teaching, student seminars, and visits. “Humic Acid Application” has become one of the research topics. It can be seen that the soil of humic acid, the fertilizer of humic acid, and the ecological environment of humic acid have become the targets for China and the world to focus on sustainable agricultural development.

At present, the use of humic acid has achieved remarkable results in repairing soil, optimizing chemical fertilizers, and improving the ecological environment. We believe that regardless of the form of training, the Chinese achievements of humic acid and humic acid fertilizers will definitely make due contributions to the development of Chinese agriculture and the world’s agriculture.

Post time: May-20-2017
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