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High-quality leafy vegetables from Organmix

Yunnan, one of the main producers of fruits and vegetables in China. leafy vegetables are the representative of Yunnan vegetables. However, the market situation, vegetable quality, the general environment …… variety of factors are affecting the income of vegetable farmers.Facing of market fluctuations, the general environment status and other uncontrollable factors, improve the quality of vegetables will be the better method to embrace the market.

In late August 2021, CITYMAX Group’s Yunnan team arranged a demonstration field of UMSI® Italian lettuce to improve quality and increase yield at Mr. Shang’s vegetable field in Hongta District, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, and observed the results in mid-September.

Employing twice of Organmix® 400g/acre with conventional fertilizer for root watering, on August 22, 2021 and September 3, 2021, and the above-ground and below-ground parts changed significantly after the use. The root development was fast, the root system was vigorous, and the absorption of water and nutrients was promoted. The above-ground growth rate was fast, the leaf color was rich green, the leaf was thick, the leaf was well dispersed, the head was large, and the quality and yield were significantly improved.

In the afternoon of September 15, CITYMAX Group, together with Chenggong Xingtian Agricultural Materials Co., Ltd. and Hongta District Dingrun Agricultural Materials, held an observation meeting on the effect of Organmix® in the vegetable field of Mr. Shang. The participants were mainly the core growers in the surrounding area, and they visited the effect of Organmix® first. During the visit, they exchanged their opinions on the performance of Organmix® from time to time and expressed their great approval.

Afterwards, Mr. Shao Hangjiang, the regional manager of CITYMAX Group in Yunnan Province, explained the features and functions of Organmix®, and focused on the use and performance of Organmix® on leafy vegetable crops, which gave everyone a deeper understanding of Organmix®.

At the time of harvesting, statistics show that a shed (0.6 acre) with Organmix® can harvest 6-8 more baskets of vegetables, with one basket weighing 40 kg, i.e. a shed can harvest 240-320 kg more; at the same time, by improving the quality of vegetables, each kg of vegetable price can increase 0.2 Yuan.


Post time: Sep-27-2021
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