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Contribution of organic fertilizer to agriculture

Organic fertilizers contain a variety of nutrients and are rich in organic matter, which can strengthen the activities of microorganisms and have a long-lasting fertilizer effect. It can not only continuously supply crop nutrition, but also improve soil water, heat and aeration conditions, and promote soil maturation. The large amount of CO2 released by organic fertilizer can be used for plant nutrition; the humus in organic fertilizer has the effect of stimulating plant growth and absorbing mineral nutrients.

The organic matter in the soil can significantly improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, improve soil cultivability, increase water seepage ability, improve soil water storage, fertilizer retention, fertilizer supply and drought and flood prevention capabilities, and increase production significantly. This is not a substitute for chemical fertilizers.

The main method to increase soil organic matter is to increase the application of organic fertilizer.
With the continuous development of agricultural modernization, the role of organic fertilizer in agricultural production has been re-emphasized. Agricultural products grown with organic fertilizer have a good taste and can effectively maintain the unique nutrition and taste of fruits and vegetables. Organic fertilizers can not only prevent the deterioration of the ecological environment and improve the quality of the environment, but also play a huge role in agricultural production.

Post time: Aug-23-2020
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