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Kea o tsebisa -- Trichoderma harzianum


Le tsebise -- Trichoderma harzianum

2024-04-07 13:35:37
Trichoderma harzianum e ka sebediswa ho laola mefuta e fapaneng ya mafu a dimela, jwalo ka blight, damping-off, root rot, fusarium wilt le stem rot. E ka boela ea thibela kholo ea libaktheria tse ngata tsa pathogenic.

Trichoderma harzianum e ka boela ya kgothalletsa kgolo ya dimela, ya ntlafatsa tikoloho e nyenyane ya tsamaiso ya metso, le ho matlafatsa ho hanyetsa malwetse a dimela.

Phello e hanyetsanang ea Trichoderma harzianum ho baktheria ea pathogenic ea semela e kenyelletsa mekhoa e mengata. Ka mantsoe a tloaelehileng:

(1) Phello ea tlholisano: Ha e bapisoa le libaktheria tse ling tsa pathogenic mobung, Trichoderma harzianum e na le maemo a matla a ho ikamahanya le tikoloho le sekhahla sa ho ikatisa ka potlako. E ka potlakela ho nka sebaka sa bolulo le lisebelisoa tsa thepa haufi le metso ea semela, e siea libaktheria tse ling tsa pathogenic tse se nang "sebaka sa ho ema" le "Ho hloka lijo le liaparo" ho tšoana le ho theha "thebe e sireletsang" haufi le metso ea semela, ho thibela. monyetla oa hore libaktheria tsa pathogenic li tšoaetse limela.

(2) Re-parasitism: Ha ho na le libaktheria tsa pathogenic ho potoloha Trichoderma harzianum, e ka ikamahanya le libaktheria tsa pathogenic mme ea ntša li-enzyme tse tsoang kantle ho sele ho qhaqha lebota la sele ea libaktheria tsa pathogenic, ho kenella ka har'a hyphae, ho monya limatlafatsi, ebe li bolaea baktheria ea pathogenic. .

(3) Tšusumetso ea lithibela-mafu: Trichoderma harzianum e ka ntša lintho tse ling tsa lithibela-mafu, tse ka thibelang le ho bolaea libaktheria tsa pathogenic le ho thibela kholo ea tsona, kahoo li thibela likokoana-hloko hore li se ke tsa tšoaetsa limela.

(4) Khanyetso e susumetsoang: Li-enzyme tse ling tse hlahisoang ke metabolism ea Trichoderma harzianum li ka qala karabelo ea ts'ireletso ea semela, ea etsa hore semela se hlahise le ho bokella metsoako le lignin tse amanang le ho hanyetsa mafu, ho susumetsa kholo ea semela le ho ntlafatsa tsamaiso ea metso. Tikoloho e nyane e matlafatsa kholo ea semela le ho hanyetsa mafu.

Litlhahiso tsa sehlahisoa sa Citymax se nang le Trichoderma harzianum--DiamondMax
ho 9y
Younengdian R e kopanya mefuta e fapaneng ea libaktheria tse sebetsang joalo ka Trichoderma harzianum, Porphyra lilacinus le Actinomycetes, le organic acid e sebetsang joalo ka mineral-source humic acid, polyglutamic acid le enzymatically hydrolyzed free amino acid. Libaktheria tse sebetsang li ka thibela ka katleho ho ikatisa le nts'etsopele ea libaktheria tse kotsi tsa mobu le li-nematode, tsa khothaletsa metabolism ea likokoana-hloko tse molemo, tsa fokotsa ho hlaha ha mafu a bakoang ke mobu le li-nematodes, le ho boloka botsitso ba tikoloho ea rhizosphere microecological.