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How to choose the right fertilizer

Fertilizer is the concentrate of plant nutrients. During the growth period of plants every year, you can fertilize flowers and vegetables in an appropriate amount to achieve better ornamental effects and more harvests, so that the plants you maintain are healthier and avoid certain nutrient deficiencies, caused by the disease. However, the market is full of various fertilizer products, which often make you dazzled and don’t know where to start. Today I will introduce to you how to choose fertilizer.


1.Granular fertilizer vs liquid fertilizer

Granular fertilizers are usually mixed into the soil, and it breaks down over time, releasing nutrients to plants slowly over time. Such as Max BlackPearl.

The liquid fertilizer is mixed with water according to a certain ratio, and is directly poured on the roots of plants to release nutrients instantly. Such as Humicare liquid products.

You can choose one of the two, or use them at the same time. For example, granular fertilizer is used once a month, while liquid fertilizer is applied once a week. However, the frequency and amount mainly depends on the ratio and instructions of different products, so be sure to read the instructions before fertilizing, and tailor the fertilization plan according to the needs of different plants.


2. N P K ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

N stands for Nitrogen nitrogen (N): can promote the growth of green leaves

P stands for Phosphorus Phosphorus (P): can promote the growth of roots and shoots

K stands for Potassium Potassium (K): It can promote flowering and fruiting and the overall resistance of plants

Fertilizers with high phosphorus content are suitable for use when the plants are still young to promote plant rooting and loose branches

Fertilizers high in nitrogen can be used for foliage houseplants and leafy greens to promote healthy green leaf growth.

3.Organic Fertilizer vs Inorganic Fertilizer

Organic fertilizer refers to the nutrients extracted from natural animals and plants. Usually this type of fertilizer is a slow-release fertilizer, such as lignite, Ascophyllum nodosum, etc. The use of organic fertilizers can also effectively improve soil fertility and structure. Such as humic, fulvic, amino acid and seaweed extract.

Inorganic fertilizers refer to artificially produced fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers are usually concentrated fertilizers that can release nutrients quickly.

Key words:Organic fertilizer , Citymax, Granular fertilizer, liquid fertilizer,humic, fulvic, amino acid and seaweed extract.

Post time: Aug-07-2023
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