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How does humic acid repair the soil?

Practice has proved that the effect of humic acid on soil restoration and improvement is very obvious. Mainly manifested in three aspects:

1. Humic acid changes the form of heavy metals in contaminated soil

The accumulation and enrichment of heavy metals bring great pressure to the soil. Most of the forms that exist in the soil are chelated or complexed. Humic acid is rich in a large number of ions. It can replace the chelated state with its own ions. With heavy metal ions in the complex state, heavy metals are not easily absorbed by crops, and crops are not easily polluted by heavy metals. Light humic acid (fulvic acid) has a low molecular weight, which is beneficial to the activation, compatibilization and desorption of heavy metals. Heavy humic acid (including palm humic acid and black humic acid) has a relatively large molecular weight and has the effect of reducing and adsorbing and fixing heavy metals, which can reduce the effectiveness of heavy metals, such as fixing cadmium, mercury, and lead.

2. Humic acid reduces the toxicity of organic matter in contaminated soil

Another “destroyer” of the soil is organic pollutants. The sources are mainly petroleum and pyrolysis products, pesticides, organic synthetic products (such as plastic mulch, etc.); humic acid can be fixed in the soil by increasing the adsorption and stability of organic matter In this way, the pollutants lose their activity, or they induce the photolysis and chemical degradation of the active free radicals of organic matter, so as to achieve the effect of “detoxification” for the soil. The humic acid “degradable mulch” produced with heavy humic acid as raw material is degraded into humic acid organic fertilizer 2 to 3 months after use. The crops emerge naturally, saving labor and time, and avoiding the “white pollution” caused by plastic mulching. .

3. Humic acid can be used for the treatment of saline-alkali land with a groundwater level of less than 1 meter

Humic acid can combine with the calcium and iron ions of other adjuvants to promote the formation of large-particle aggregates in the fine-grained soil of 20-30 cm on the surface, reduce the capillary phenomenon of the fine-grained soil, and greatly reduce the evaporation of water to carry salt to the surface and gradually The accumulation of salinization is the most effective way to completely control saline-alkali land from the source.

Post time: Mar-23-2021
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