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Granular organic fertilizer usage method and dosage

1. Instructions:

Granular organic fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer, and the fertilizer is sprinkled on the surface when turning the ground, and then plowed into the soil. It can also be used as topdressing, and it can be carried out by hole application or furrow application on the extended part of the plant root system. Base application, furrow application, hole application, and sprinkler application can be used for fertilization.

2. Dosage:

The amount of granular organic fertilizer should be determined according to the planting plants and soil fertility. Generally, flowers and succulents can be applied at a ratio of 1:7, and fruits and vegetables can be applied at a ratio of 1:6.

3. Precautions:

When applying granular organic fertilizer, it should be applied according to the nutrient requirements of the crops, and various foliar fertilizers should be applied during the growing period of the crops.

Granular organic fertilizer should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizer, if mixed with alkaline fertilizer, it will cause the volatilization of ammonia and reduce the nutrient content of organic fertilizer. Granular organic fertilizer contains more organic matter and should not be mixed with nitrate nitrogen fertilizer.

Granular organic fertilizer can be stored in dry conditions, avoid direct sunlight and high temperature, furrow application, hole application, etc., please do not directly contact the fertilizer with the root system,during the storage of granular organic fertilizer, the outer layer will produce white hyphae, which will not affect the utilization rate of fertilizer.


Post time: Aug-21-2023
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