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Kev siv thev naus laus zis ntawm humic acid qeeb-tswj tso tawm chiv rau pob kws

Xov xwm

Kev siv thev naus laus zis ntawm humic acid qeeb-tswj tso tawm chiv rau pob kws

2024-08-27 17:18:54 dr hab
1. Fertilization txoj cai

Humic acidqeeb-tso chiv yog tsim los ntawmhumic acidcompound fertilizer thiab qeeb-tso nitrogen chiv. Qhib qhibhumic acidtuaj yeem txhawb kev nqus ntawm phosphorus thiab potassium thiab txhim kho kev siv chiv. Nws yog ib tug natural kev loj hlob regulator thiab yuav txhawb txoj kev loj hlob ntawm pob kws cov hauv paus hniav; nws muaj peev xwm Txhawb kev tsim cov av aggregate qauv thiab tswj cov av dej thiab chiv kev txuag. Kev tswj qeeb tso tawm nitrogen chiv tuaj yeem ua kom cov khoom siv nitrogen chiv thoob plaws lub sijhawm loj hlob ntawm pob kws. Kev sib xyaw ua ke ntawm ob muaj kev sib koom ua ke ntawm pob kws chiv xav tau.
afad ua



bvgc ua
Raws li cov khoom noj khoom haus xav tau cov yam ntxwv ntawm pob kws thiab cov av as-ham, xaiv ib qho qauv tsim nyog ntawmhumicacid qeeb-tso chiv cov khoom. Xaiv 28-7-7, 30-5-5 thiab lwm cov qauv hauv thaj chaw uas muaj phosphorus nruab nrab thiab cov poov tshuaj siab. Cov qauv xws li 26 ~ 6 ~ 10, 28 ~ 5 ~ 7, 26 ~ 5 ~ 9, thiab lwm yam yog siv nyob rau hauv nruab nrab phosphorus thiab nruab nrab poov tshuaj. Cov qauv siv xws li 26 ~ 8 ~ 10, 26 ~ 10 ~ 12 yog siv. Ntau lub zos kuj tseem tuaj yeem ntxiv cov ntsiab lus uas yuav tsum tau muaj rau cov qauv saum toj no nyob rau hauv lub hom phiaj raws li qhov tsis muaj kab kawm. Lub sij hawm tso tawm ntawm qeeb-tswj tso chiv yog feem ntau 2 mus rau 3 lub hlis.
2.Sowing thiab fertilizing
Siv cov noob pob kws thiab chiv co-seeder los sow noob thiabhumic acidqeeb-tso chiv rau hauv av nyob rau hauv ib lub sij hawm los txhim kho qhov tseeb ntawm sowing thiab fertilization, thiab txhim kho kev ua liaj ua teb efficiency. Noob noj yog 2.5kg ~ 3kg.


Kev siv cov tshuaj maj mam tso tawm yog: 60kg rau ib daim phiaj nrog tawm los ntawm 700kg ib mu, 50kg rau ib daim ntawv nrog ib tug yield ntawm 600kg ib mu, thiab 40kg rau ib tug yield ntawm txog 500kg.
Ua ntej sowing, kho cov kab rov tav nrug ntawm cov noob ceg thiab chiv ceg ntawm cov noob thiab chiv co-seeder los ntawm 5 mus rau 8 cm. Qhov tob ntawm cov chiv ob txhais ceg yog 3 mus rau 5 cm tob tshaj qhov tob ntawm cov noob ceg. Ua kom cov av npog ntawm cov noob pob kws li 3cm mus rau 5cm, qhov sib nrug ntawm cov noob chiv yuav tsum yog 5cm mus rau 8cm, thiabhumic acidqeeb-tso chiv kom 3cm mus rau 5cm tob tshaj li cov noob. Cais cov noob thiab chiv los ntawm 7cm mus rau 10cm kom tiv thaiv cov noob los ntawm hlawv. Tom qabhumic acidqeeb-tso chiv yog siv rau cov av raws li cov noob chiv, sab saum toj hnav khaub ncaws feem ntau tsis tas yuav tsum tau nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm loj hlob.